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Monday, December 12, 2016

parrot os security and hacking

 Parrot Security OS:

        Parrot Security OS (or ParrotSec) is a GNU/LINUX distribution based on Debian. It is designed for penetration testing (computer security), Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation, Computer Forensics and Anonymous Web Browsing. It is developed by the Frozenbox Team.



ParrotSec is thought to give a light environment, highly compatible and complete. It offers many contents about web and computer systems analysis, a lab directed towards forensic digital use, with legally recognized tools and the opportunity to work with cryptography, offering a large set of possibility. Moreover, it allows you to surf and work anonymously.


Parrot is based on Debian's testing branch (stretch), with a custom hardened linux 4.6 kernel with a grsecurity patched branch available. It follows a development line of rolling release kind.
The desktop environment is MATE, and the default display manager is LightDM.[1]
The project is certified to run over machines which have 256MB of RAM at least and it is suitable to both 32bit (i386) and 64bit (amd64).[2] Moreover, the project is available for ARMv7 (armhf) architectures. It even offers an edition (both 32bit and 64bit)[3] developed for servers only to carry out cloud pentesting.

2016-10-15 Parrot 3.2 CyberSloop  download parrotSec in  this link


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