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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Arduino technology

    Arduino, and its recent synonym Genuino2, are physically free cards on which is located a microcontroller (of Atmel AVR architecture like for example the Atmega328p). The diagrams of these maps are published in a free license. However, some components, such as the microcontroller for example, are not under free license.
Arduino card.

The microcontroller can be programmed to analyze and produce electrical signals, to perform various tasks such as home automation (control of domestic appliances - lighting, heating ...), piloting a robot, embedded computing, Etc.
  It is a platform based on a simple input / output interface. It was originally intended primarily but not exclusively to interactive multimedia programming to show or artistic events, which explains in part the descendants of its Processing Development Environment, itself inspired by the environment Wiring programming (one designed for production applications involving graphics and one for steering theaters)

Arduino IDE.

  Arduino can be used to build independent interactive objects (rapid prototyping), or can be connected to a computer to communicate with software (eg. Macromedia Flash, Processing, Max / MSP, Factory Hollyhock, Pure Data, SuperCollider). In 2011, the sold versions are pre-assembled. Information is provided for those wishing to assemble or build an Arduino card themselves.
  The Arduino project received an honorary degree at the Ars Electronica 2006 [ref. Necessary], in the Digital Communities category. 
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